Selasa, 01 September 2009

How Could You Be Anything But A Success?

A number of years ago I heard a powerful story about
motivation. I don't remember where I heard it or even if
it was true story or not, but it perfectly exemplifies the
human ability to transcend circumstances.

My memory of it is fuzzy, so here's my version... with a

A reporter decided to follow up on an incredible human
interest story after hearing of two brothers, one a
vicious, dangerous criminal to be locked up for the next
ten years for his latest crime, and the other a highly
respected university professor.

After the arrest of brother number one, he told the police
about his brother, his closest living relative.

After the police discovered who brother number two was, a
reporter was given the tip that this could be an
interesting story.

Upon interviewing both men at length, the reporter learned
that their father was a brutal man. He was a hard drinker.
And his brand of teaching his boys "right from wrong"
involved terrible verbal abuse no matter where they
happened to be. When they "got out of line," he hit them
with belts, his fists, sticks - whatever was handy.

They both told almost identical stories of extreme
cruelty. Neither one was exempt from the old man's anger
and drunken rage.

While the boys were 19 and 20 respectively, their father
died of a massive heart attack. Shortly afterwards, the
brothers had a falling out and never saw each other again -
brother number one moved out of state and sort of fell off
the face of the earth... living his life between jail terms.

Brother number two graduated from college and followed a
designed path to living a rewarding life of service to his
community, his church and his family.

The thing that practically knocked the reporter over was
both brothers' identical answer to the same question.

After getting the background on both individuals, the
question was, "How did you get here to this point in your

The two answered the question with this same response...

"With a father like mine, how could I be any different?"

One used his father as an excuse, while the other used him
as motivation - as training on what not to do.

You see, it's not what happens to you in life that
dictates where you'll go and who you'll be. It's what you
do with it.

I'll bet that, right now, you could sit down and list at
least a dozen people who have risen up from hellish
childhoods, or who are completely different than anyone
else in their families in some significant way. You'll
discover that, concerning the differences, there are
completely different belief systems, different ways of
"looking at" the situations, different motivations and
reward systems.

So I'm being honest when I tell you there is no reason on
the face of the earth why you can't achieve your next big
goal. None. I don't care how many times you may have
fallen on your face.

Do you want to reach some health milestone after repeated
failures? Then decide to.

And stop with the excuses. You've been lying to yourself
too long.

Do you need to learn something, to pass some test, to get
a degree or license? Then get off your backside, shut off
the TV and do it.

Do you see a failure when you look in the mirror? Do you
know what to do, but just always decide not to do it? Then
turn the volume of the criticism in your head down. Shut
off the excuses. Write down on 3x5 cards statements like

-Good job, I really tried hard.
-I really have quite a talent there.
-I'm quite a handsome man/beautiful woman
-Boy, when I have a job to do I just tear right in and get
it done.

...And read them often.

Write down empowering questions like these:

What is good about me? What could be?
What are the many benefits I will get by doing this or
believing that?
Why do I want to achieve (some outcome)?
What is my best character trait?
How can I get (someone) to really truly admire and respect

There are thousands more.

And they all make you feel better and more capable.

With this reading as a habit, you will change how you see

What you're being exposed to now is what I discovered to
be the inner differences between the winners and doers in
life and the losers and watchers.

And if you think this doesn't work, you couldn't be more

Think about the two brothers and all the billions, dead
and alive, who have risen above their circumstances and
their old programming to be, do and have more than it
appeared they ever would. You've experienced this. Now
it's time to turn it up a notch. Grab yourself a huge goal.

Our Think Right Now! audios are based, in part, on this
whole technology.

Go to our site and check out some of the changes people
have made using them. It's downright scary.

When you change what goes in, you will change what comes
out... IF it goes in regularly and in the right way.

Come on, make today something special.

Make today your day.

No more excuses.

Take your circumstances and all of your past failures and
use them as motivation... as the reason for your imminent

Be like the professor.

With circumstances like yours, how could you be anything
but a raging success?

LYRICS Saykoji Online

siang malam ku selalu
menatap layar terpaku
untuk on line on line
on line on line
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pasang earphone dengar lagu
aku on line online
on line on line

verse 1:
tidur telat bangun pagi pagi
nyalain komputer online lagi
bukan mau ngetik kerjaan
e-mail tugas diserahkan

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cerse 2:
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makan siangpun aku cari sinyal wifi
mengapa ku kecanduan oh why why
kadang terasa bagai tak berdaya
ingin ku berubah.. eh ada e-mail dah dulu ya

verse 3:
cek e-mail spam semua
email benerannya cuma dua
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