Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009

emotion controller

I guess I better start right out by explaining the word
'Anger' as we'll be using it. By anger, I mean that you
see something or something happens and it spurs in you a
burning, all-encompassing desire to fix the problem.

The problem with most people is that they get angry at
other people for taking advantage of their weaknesses.
"You took my boyfriend." Hey, if your relationship was
good, there wouldn't be a problem. The blame rests with
you and/or your boyfriend, not anyone else.

A few years ago, I met Rudy Ruettiger. The movie 'Rudy'
is based on his life. He told me that the thing that kept
him going in the face of every adversity you can imagine
was anger...

Anger at everyone that told him playing football for Notre
Dame was crazy; for everyone that told him that he wasn't
cut out for college; that he ought to work in the factory
because it was safe; that he ought to forget his stupid

The nay sayers motivated him. It made him angry when
people knocked his dream.

If you've never seen the movie, I would recommend that you
buy it and wear it out. And if you don't have any tissues,
get some before you hit "play."

What do most people do when others rain on their parade?
What do you do?

Inside, you probably laugh right along and say something
like, "Yeah, it is kind of silly. That IS a little out of
my league."

Why not get angry and do something about it, instead.
Show them you can reach your dream.

Few people like to stand out. To be seen as different.

Well, anger is really just another way of describing one
of the first elements that go into making a personal
mission statement. I mean after all, what would a mission
be if you weren't completely behind it emotionally? It
wouldn't be a mission. It would be just a wish. And
wishes don't usually come true.

Missions, though, usually ensure that dreams become

But when you've got a mission, it sets your whole being
into motion.

Great missions come about often when you just can't stand
the way something is and you feel like you must change it.

"MADD" (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) came about because
of anger. "America's Most Wanted" came about because of

So many breakthroughs and achievements would never have
happened unless someone got mad and said "I'm not going to
take it any more!"

I did that years ago and went looking for tools to change
the way I thought. It took a while, but I found them and
altered them to create a technology that ultimately changed
who I am and changed the lives of thousands around the
world... all because of massive pain and dissatisfaction.

Here's what I want you to do...

Find something in your life that you're dissatisfied with
and get yourself worked up. Ask yourself what your life
will be like if this doesn't change. Feel the pain. Get
angry. Don't blame others in this mental exercise. You're
responsible for your own circumstances. Get that straight.

Feel the pain now. Compare those feelings to the feelings
you'd have if you were just to fix the situation now. No
matter what kind of effort it would take to fix. It might
take years for you to get things the way you want them.
But compare the two futures. Get angry at the first
future. Get scared. And get determined not to end up

Make it a must. You must change it. Feel it. If you've
got to cry and scream and pound your fists, fine...if
that's what it takes.

Look now at the better future you saw. How big is the
gap? Would it be worth any effort that it might take? I
think you'll find that it probably is.

Without dissatisfaction, and often anger, it's verrrry
difficult to get and stay motivated. You must keep your
dissatisfaction in your mind daily.

Use it as fuel for your motivation.

As long as you continue to take personal responsibility
for your life, this can work miracles.

But as long as you keep blaming others for your problems,
you'll continue to have them.

Get dissatisfied. It will help you feel courageous, even
if last week you were hiding out.

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