Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009

mood is very good

No doubt, you have plenty of times that you can recall
where you did something very well. You felt good. Your
mood was positive. Your focus was on the task or
game...and you were ON.

You said the right things. You hit the ball, made the
shots, ran like the wind. Mistakes, if they happened at
all, were brushed off and forgotten about. You were
definitely in the ZONE and wanted the day to go on forever.

But it didn't...

The next day wasn't quite as good, possibly. And within a
day or two or six, things were back to normal... average.
Not good, not bad. Just vanilla.

Is this you?

If not, then congratulations. But even life's top
performers don't regularly pull rabbits out of the hat in
every area of their lives. It's too common for many people
to be miracle workers at home or at work, but miserable
failures at just about everything else.

Too often, in the area that works, it's more a factor of
doing that one thing for so long that you get proficient at
it. Repetition over the years has worn the grooves of

It happened over time, almost without your awareness. It
just came because you did the same thing again and again.
Through all your mistakes you learned how to get things
done fast and easy.

It's too bad you didn't have a course to teach you how to
get these same results in everything you do, no matter what
it is... training that could help you regularly have this
incredible feeling that nothing was above your capability.

But thoughts just kind of pop in and that's the way it's
supposed to work, right? 'How could I control my
thoughts?' you think. 'They just pop in. I feel a certain
way because that's just who I am,' you say.


We get our beliefs if they SEEM accurate. A few mistakes
and BOOM! We define ourselves as not good at something. It
seems to make sense. If other people confirm our
suspicions, then it must be true. Someone does something
we don't like or doesn't look right and BOOM! we make
instant judgments about them without a second's thought.
If the first bite doesn't taste familiar, WHAM! Don't like

Most people get a belief about a thing and stay with that
belief forever, whether it's true or not.

Where that can be the most detrimental is when it's a
limiting belief about yourself and your worth.

Just because you made a particular mistake a number of
times doesn't mean that you'll never be good at something.

Your mind doesn't have to be on autopilot. Thoughts don't
have to just pop into your head. You can control your
thoughts. And when you do start to take control of your
mind, your emotions and actions can be similar to the
greatest successes the world has ever known.

When I took the Silva Mind Method training course in the
early 90's, I would get into my "alpha state" and repeat,
over and over, statements that affirmed my success and
ability. I told myself that there wasn't anything I
couldn't do. I took all my limiting beliefs and put them
on a mental screen and wiped them off one at a time.

Gone. Adios. Arrivederci. Au revoir.

Any belief that didn't support my new goals got cleaned
away. And positive affirmations re-patterned new beliefs
of ability, self-worth and confidence.

Keep in mind, I did this regularly. And I still do.

After all, your mind is thinking constantly. And it's
impossible to tell yourself that you're a genius once and
have it stick. Not when you follow it up with a very human
mistake an hour later, and the first thing you're tempted
to think is, 'See, I knew I was fooling myself! I am a

Your current beliefs took time to take root and the new
ones will also take time. Think of your mind as a field.
You're planting seeds now. The new shoots will come up and
produce fruit, but you've got to water and fertilize them.
You've got to pull the weeds out constantly.

But what you'll have for your effort is some of the
sweetest, juiciest crops of empowering and TRUE beliefs you
could ever have. With these new beliefs will come powerful
emotions and determination that will astound you. Sweet

And the nice thing is, your new beliefs are always in

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