Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

motivation statements

I was always perplexed by the question, "What came first,
the chicken or the egg?" Does that have an answer? I
don't know.

But an equally good one that does have an answer is, "What
comes first, confidence or large achievements?"

The answer most definitely is confidence.

No. You don't need large accomplishments to gain

But what creates confidence and how can you get more of it
so you can consistently achieve more and have fun doing it?
And what is it that causes a loss of confidence?

It's easy to see in the world of sports the difference
between confidence and doubt. Team A goes on a tear and
destroys their opponent by an enormous amount of runs,
baskets, goals, etc. But the next night, you've got the
same two teams and this time it's Team B that administers
the beating.

What's the difference? Players on the losing teams often
say things like this:

- We just weren't focusing.
- Our emotions weren't in check.
- When they scored in the 3rd quarter, the wind went out
of our sails.
- We just weren't taking good shots.
- Once the crowd got into the game, we got out of our

Those things took their confidence away. They didn't
trust themselves. So their performance for the ENTIRE game
or large portions of it was sub-par.

The next day, different mind set... VERY different
results. The focus was there now. They clearly visualized
their outcomes. Momentum never left for long. Belief came
back. They refused to be intimidated and wouldn't accept

I often use sports analogies because there is absolutely
no difference between games and life... especially your

Every day, life demands that you perform. Whether it's
just cleaning the house, raking or trying to enjoy yourself
while you pack up and take a vacation with your family,
your confidence level affects your performance and your

Confidence. What is it?

To me, confidence is just a feeling that you can do

It's the current knowledge that if challenge pops up, and
they always do, you can overcome it. With this knowing
comes the ability to perform at your best.

But as soon as the feelings wane, your positive expectancy
drops and you start to focus on mistakes instead of your
goals. You start to feel less capable, so you hesitate.
When your confidence leaves you, you can't make decisions.
And when you start to replay these unsupportive mental
pictures, you literally couldn't buy a few minutes of
success at any price.

This power was never more evident as when John Wooden and
his legendary UCLA basketball teams won a record 88 games
in a row. For nearly 4 years, they didn't lose a single

His teams won 7 consecutive national championships. In
the next thousand years, it hardly seems possible that his
records will be approached.

He knew that if he could gain momentum and hold it, the
other team would mentally give up. Their pressure forced
mistakes and caused the opponents to hesitate, to not want
to make more mistakes.

But when your focus is on not making mistakes... you make
So how do you gain confidence and keep it?

You must picture success before it happens. Your internal
dialog must be that of expecting success... yes, even
before you have success. How?

Well, how do you learn anything? By repetition, of course.

Look at your bookshelves. If there are more than a few
self-help books, and you don't yet have the qualities
taught inside the covers, then it's repetition that's

Coke and Pepsi spend tens of millions of dollars each year
to program you to buy their carbonated caramel water.

Why? Because repetition works.

They sell billions of dollars of their products simply
because they communicate their message constantly. Do you
remember the words of songs that you haven't heard in

I'll bet you do!

If you take control of your own mind just like big
advertisers and communicate a positive message of belief
and hope and of expecting to get what you want, and you do
it with repetition, you know what?

You'll become confident.

At least you'll have hope, to start.

And confidence begins with hope. Without hope, a glimmer
of optimism, you wouldn't even try.

If you haven't up until now, start really using this tool.
If you do, just like a drill or a hammer makes building a
structure a thousand times better and faster, you'll
achieve more every single day... easier, better and with
more joy than you ever thought possible.

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LYRICS Saykoji Online

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verse 1:
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verse 3:
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