Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009


Possibly the most important quality or skill you need to
succeed at anything in life, whether it be getting in
shape, excelling in your job, beating an illness or just
plain being happy is a dogged commitment to doing it.

Ninety five percent of the time, people don't reach their
aims because their resolve to get there was never very
strong to begin with.

If you don't believe you'll get to your destination, how
much effort will you ever be willing to put in? I mean, if
you want to lose 20 pounds or 200 pounds and you've "tried"
dozens of times only to ultimately quit trying, then what
kind of effort will you be likely to put in this time?

Right. Not much.

The secret is your belief and your commitment.

How many times have you had some outcome that was an
absolute must. You simply HAD TO GET IT DONE. The
consequences of failing would be too great. At least in
your mind, they were great. So...

You got it done! You worked all night. You rallied the
troops. Your whole being was into it. There was simply no
turning back. Failure was not an option...

And you succeeded.

Tell me, during those times when you rose to the
challenge, was there much doubt about the ultimate outcome?
Probably not, huh? You just knew that success was
imminent, didn't you? Well, that's what happens when
you're totally committed to a goal...

...AND when you're clear on exactly what you want.

To succeed at anything, keep your inner voice positive.
Tell yourself you can... constantly. Every hour. At
critical moments of decision.

Talking about belief and resolve: You've no doubt all
heard the stories about people who exhibited amazing feats
of superhuman strength and picked up a vehicle just enough
to help rescue another person pinned underneath.

And what about those tireless rescue workers who simply
won't let themselves stop until they find one more
survivor. They have their outcome set and they're doing
everything to achieve it.

Now, in our everyday lives, that kind of schedule is
usually not required and definitely not healthy, but the
principle is the same. Keep your eyes on the goal. Every
minute. Every hour.

If you do, then you won't be wasting precious time on non-
essential tasks. You'll keep yourself from feeling the
agony of failure. Because if your resolve is strong, when
you do meet those temporary setbacks, you'll see them as

When your determination is weak, each setback looks like
the end.

So look at your next project, and the one after that, and
even the one after that, and start talking yourself into
doing what you must. Tell yourself that you're up to it.
Make it a must.

Do that and I know I'll be hearing from you with one heck
of a success story.

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LYRICS Saykoji Online

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verse 1:
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